Thursday, December 20, 2012

Epithelial Tissue!

In this activity we were given cards with different types of epithelial tissues. With these cards, we arranged them into a simple squamous, a simple cuboidal, a simple columnar, a stratified squamous, a stratified cuboidal, a stratified columnar, and transitional.

(Left to Right; Cullen, Mandi, Bethany, Aricka, and Katrina)
- A simple squamous epithelial is a single layer of flattened cells with disc-shaped nuclei and sparse cytoplasm.
- Simple squamous epithelial cells function as mediators of filtration and diffusion. Due to their simple and thin construct, they allow for easy transmembrane movement of small molecules. The types of proteins that are present in a given simple squamous epithelial tissue partially determines the function of the tissue.
- As could be expected, simple squamous epithelium is found in locations where rapid diffusion or filtration take place. For example, it can be found in the kidney glomeruli, lining of the heart, blood vessels, lymphatic vessels and serosae or lining of ventral body cavity.
(Left to Right; Cullen, Aricka, Tiffany, Sierra, Nika, and Mandi)
- A simple cuboidal epithelial is a single layer of cubelike cells with large, spherical central nuclei.
- By lining the surface of various ducts or various glands and organs, simple cuboidal calls are able to provide a layer of protection from abrasion, foreign particles, invading bacteria and excessive water loss to the underlying tissue.
- Simple cuboidal epithelium lines the surface of small excretory ducts in various organs and glands in the body, compose some of the kidney tubules in the kortex of the kidney, and create the covering of the ovary.
(Left to Right; Zach(Me), Cullen, Aricka, Bethany, Mandi, Sierra, Nika, LeAnn, and Trevor)
- A simple columnar epithelial is a single layer of tall cells with oval nuclei; many contain cilia.
- The main function of simple columnar epithelial cells are protection, but they can also specialize to secret mucus that coats and protects the surrounding surface from damage. Lastly, simple columnar epithelium are very good at absorbing and transporting nutrients from multiple locations.
-Simple columnar epithelial cells are some of the most prolific cells in the body, mainly because they can fulfill so many functions. They are found throughout the body’s organ system, including the digestive tract and the female reproductive system. They are also found in the respiratory system, including the nasal passage.
(Top to Bottom; Top: Tiffany, Bethany: Bottom: Cullen, Aricka)
- A transitional epithelial is several cell layer, the basal cells being cuboidal and the surface cells being dome-shaped.
- Some functions of the transitional epithelium cells: accommodates fluctuation of volume of the liquid in an organ or tube (i.e. urinary bladder), and protection against the caustic effects of urine.
- Transitional epithelium is found lining the ureters, urinary  bladder, and part of the urethra.
(Left to Right; Aricka, Mandi, Bethany, and Tiffany)
- A pseudostrarified columnar epithelial is a single layer of cells with different heights; some do not reach the free surface. Also, the nuclei is seen at different layers.
-Function in secretion and propulsion of mucus
-Mainly, present in male sperm-carrying ducts(nonciliated) and the trachea (ciliated).
(Aricka on top of Tiffany, Sierra on top of Bethany)
-A stratified squamous epithelial is a thick membrane composed of several layer of cells.The cells gradually become  larger and more squamous as the cells migrate from the basal layer to the apical  layer.
-Stratified squamous epithelia are specialized to withstand the  mechanical stresses of abrasion. The apical layers of epithelial are designed to  give way to abrasive forces, protecting the deeper tissues from the mechanical  stress. As the apical layers of cells give way, they are continuously replaced  by the deeper layers of epithelial cells, all of which are derived from the  highly mitotic cuboidal cells of the basal layer.
-It can be found in areas such as the esophagus, mouth, and the outer portion of  the skin (epidermis).
(Top to Bottom; Aricka, Mandi, Cullen, Bethany)
- A stratified cuboidal epithelial is quite rare in the human body, but is usually two cell layers thick.
- Does not have an absorptive or secretory function but provides a more robust lining than that of simple epithelium.
- It is less common than other types of epithelial tissue, and it has several locations in the body: sweat gland ducts; egg-producing vesicles, or follicles, of the ovaries; and sperm-producing ducts, or seminiferous tubules, of the testis.
- A stratified epithelial has limited distibution in the body, but is composed of column shaped cells arranged in  multiple layers
- Protection is really the main function of stratified columnar because
- They can be found in the pharynx, male urethra, and lining some glandular ducts.
A big thank you to Aricka for the pictures and information!

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